šŸ“† October 22, 2024 | ā±ļø 3 minute read

Thank You Destiny for Exposing MAGA


Before I talk about internet streamer Destiny’s work, I just want to make clear that this entry does not constitute a return to writing. Iā€™m still taking a step back from writing. I’m just making an exception here because American democracy is at stake and publishing this after the presidential election won’t do much good.

Destiny’s Work

Steven Kenneth Bonnell II, online alias Destiny, has worked tirelessly exposing MAGA as the dangerous cult it is by debating Trump supporters and disseminating factual information about January 6th and election issues. He deserves recognition for his work, so please spread it like the plague. Thank you Steven!

What I think Destiny has revealed in his recent debates is that the bottom line for MAGA supporters is that they want Trump crowned king. They (speaking in general) actually want the United States to become an authoritarian dictatorship under Trump’s rule. They don’t believe in democracy. They don’t care how many crimes Trump commits or how brazenly he commits them. There’s absolutely nothing he could do to lose their vote. According to them, all information that casts Trump in a bad light is part of the global media conspiracy against him. They’re completely divorced from reality, with many believing in the craziest of conspiracy theories. They don’t care about facts or evidence. As Destiny said, they live in “an epistemological echo chamber”.

The Failure of Left-Wing Media

I think Destiny’s hardball approach to public debates with MAGA cultists is the best chance at winning over undecided voters and convincing MAGA cultists in the audience not to vote. I also agree with him that the left-wing media is doing a massive disservice by holding Trump and his apologizers to lower standards to maintain the appearance of being unbiased. MAGA folks accuse the media of partisanship anyways, so who are they even appeasing?

When invited on news programs, MAGA cultists don’t debate in good faith. All they do is apologize for Trump, gaslight and straw man the opposition, move goalposts, do mental gymnastics, spin the conversation, many openly support political violence, and the media just acts like this is all normal. The left-wing media needs to stop being overly concerned with appearing biased and do what Destiny is doing, which is to treat MAGA cultists based on how they act, not giving them the benefit of the doubt even as they demonstrate they have no intentions of debating in good faith.

It’s time for the left-wing media to call a spade a spade and hold Trump and his apologizers accountable. That means blasting him all day every day on national news from now until election day, just as they would Kamala if she did any of the things Trump does. To do otherwise would indicate a media bias in his favor. Just compile clips of him to play on repeat saying he would use the military against those who disagree with him politically, threatening The Secretary of State of Georgia for not giving him 11,000 extra votes, bragging about groping women without their consent, cover the facts of January 6th, etc. There’s endless material to choose from.

Democracy is at stake. There’s no time to lose.